things i'm obsessed with

Tbh I’m striving for persistence, not consistency. That’s my excuse for not updating this site since January, whoops. Anyway.

Things I’m Obsessed With:

  • Urban Design: what’s more important than the way our cities and living spaces are designed? It impacts nearly ever facet of society, and not going to lie, I did go on a binge-research looking up grad school programs for this. But do I want to take out more student loans just to have a 2nd masters? Prob not, but you never know…

    • Walkable City by Jeff Speck

    • Confessions of a Recovering Engineer by Charles Marohn

    • Talking Cities on TikTok

  • FONTS: yes, just fonts. I love them, as Kayne once tweeted, “Sometimes i get emotional over fonts.”

    • Why Fonts Matter by Sarah Hyndman

      • *Haven’t read yet, arriving tomorrow

  • The Circle: I’m so sad it’s over but James was my favorite so I’m happy he won, I also had a soft spot for Nick.

  • Beauty Advent Calendars: another prime example of something I got way too into and spent way too much time researching, I’m on nearly every waitlist for all the good ones, but if someone has a plug at Cult Beauty or SpaceNK - please help me out.

  • The Chloe Rainboots: I was so close to shipping these to a hotel I was staying at in Atlanta for work just so I could wear them in Park City later that week, but then I realized I could save ~$100 if I ordered them from a European site but that means they would ship slower, so didn’t buy them. But I will, and I can’t wait.

  • October: Can we just take a moment for how wonderful October is? Earlier this month, I bought a few pumpkins, fall candles, halloween candy, and had the coziest Sunday ever. Last night, carved pumpkins and roasted the seeds. And the best part, it only gets colder from here! Also, is it too early to play Christmas music or?

Friday Feeling

Maybe because I have a super short attention span, but some of my favorite posts to read on other blogs are weekly roundup posts of random links, articles, and recs from the site author. Allow me to introduce my take on this with a new series: ‘friday feeling.’

💡Something eye-opening Russian anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny’s ‘Putin’s Palace’ documentary (in Russian with English subtitles - over 100M views)

🧠Something that made me think Kara Lowentheil’s mindset coaching podcast, Unf*ck Your Brain, ‘Loving Lightly’ episode

🕵🏼‍♀️Something I’m stalking Bloomberg’s vaccination stats dashboard - rooting for us to hit 2 million a day

🛒Something I bought This Zara plaid overshirt - perfect to throw over a sweatshirt for extra warmth, can’t wait to dress it up with lace up boots and a beanie

☀️Highlight of the week: two of my colleagues/friends spent TWO HOURS of their night helping me make a big, personal, life decision, including a beautiful Mural board flushed with pros and cons. Made me laugh, made me feel cared for, and actually helped me narrow down my decision.

I hope everyone had a lovely week.

Is it okay to value joy over hustle?

I’m often caught between conflicting forces when it comes to defining success in my life. On one hand, from the moment I start my day and log onto LinkedIn, I’m inundated with messaging about goal setting, ‘hustle-mode’, maximize-your-output type of content. On the other hand, when I engage with content from international creators, the message is much more about creating a life of content and highlighting the pleasures of everyday life. Now, I think this is a uniquely American problem, and further still perhaps, a uniquely millennial problem. We’ve always been taught “go after your dreams!” - but, what if your ‘dreams’ include just feeling calm and satisfied with what you have around you?

I started thinking about my job today and where it could take me in the next 5, 10, 15 years, and was starting to do the pin-ball machine thing in my brain that I often do when overwhelmed. Again, the conflicting forces. I’m pretty happy with what I’m currently doing, and who knows where it will take me in the future? I sort of have this inner faith that as long as I produce quality work, move fast, and am kind to people, things will work out exactly as they are supposed to. On the flip side, there’s a voice telling me that I need to create a roadmap with a full strategy of ‘how to get ahead’ over the next 15 years. I got stressed, as the things I lacked became more apparent - and then I got disheartened.

Is it okay to just want to enjoy what you’re doing?
Is it okay to value joy over hustle?
Is it okay to care more about building up your inner home than building up your resume?

As I mentioned, I believe this to be a uniquely American problem. What helps ground me is having travelled a decent amount and having always been intentional about connecting with locals, sparking enlightening conversations while making new friends. I’ll never forget a server in Santorini telling us ‘the most important thing is just that you enjoy your life.’ One of my favorite creators, Lana Blakey, from Sweden, recently posted a video talking about how it was okay to not have a ‘life’s purpose'.’ The new (and amazing) Pixar movie, Soul, also discusses this topic in a really beautiful way.

If I’m honest about what I do want, it’s simple:

  • I want to feel serene, and content, and be surrounded by people I love and can depend on. I want to feel safe and secure, so having a certain level of income is required for that, no doubt. I also want to be able to travel somewhat frequently without financial limitations.

  • Work wise: I want to be an asset for any job I do, producing excellent work and being known as being someone other’s can count on, but I don’t need to be the CEO. I want to surpass expectations while I’m at work, but don’t want to spend my free time networking to try and get ahead.

Younger, more idealistic me would have said ‘I need to change the world.’
But what I’ve realized is, I don’t need to change the world.
I just need to change my world - and by leaving those around me, in my orbit, better off than they were before, by spreading light, knowledge, and inspiration.

I’m getting more comfortable with the idea of not being hungry to climb the ladder or influence a large audience, but it is an ongoing battle in my head. Reading this back, I think an immediate ‘take away’ for myself is to spend much less time on Linked In…

I’ll end this by saying, when I envision my ‘dream life’ - career clout is never a part of my vision. Instead, I’m visualizing being cozy, with my dog, with someone I love, somewhere cold, taking pleasure in the simple things in life, like making a delicious cup of coffee, and of course, planning frequent adventures to new places.

There’s still time to change my mind on this, of course, who knows what my growth in the future will look like.

At the core, the most important thing is to create an inner home you are at peace with, regardless of if you have hustle-mode ‘on’ or ‘off.’


things i'm obsessed with

There are certain things I can’t get off my mind so I had to share - check out this list of the things currently capturing my attention.

  • Aritizia Matching Sets: The amount of these I have purchased in the past month is a little over the top. But like, all I want to wear are sweatsuits b/c, lockdown life amiright? Now that I’ve had the realization that matchy-matchy sets make you look both cozy AND intentional, i’m never going back. I’m on a quest to build out full-sets of my favorite colors (glacial green!! and mocha brown), including various ways to pair the sets: leggings/sweatpants/shorts for bottoms and sweatshirts/tees/tanks for tops. Are they pricey? Kinda. Are they worth it? For SURE.

  • Simple Modern Tumbler: I saw someone on Tiktok say that this water bottle is what “models” like to use. Honestly that’s not what sold me, but it is what led me to discover it. What did sell me is the slender and chic appearance, the large selection of colors, and the insulation (I put ice water in it before bed and it’s still icy in the morning, amazing). This goes with me everywhere now. I have the 24oz. in ‘moonlight’ (naturally), which is a midnight teal.

  • The Obama Book - ‘A Promise Land’: You know what’s helped me get through the fact that a violent white supremacist mob tried to overthrow the US Government? The Obama book. Obama will forever be to me a ‘voice of reason,’ and logic. and rationality. Reading this book every night before bed, instead of my normal doom-scrolling on Twitter, has made me so much less anxious. I love the intimate details and reflection of his rise in politics, from local Illinois politics to seeking the highest office in our country. The way he captures the spirit, the momentum of those early years is fascinating.

  • Listening to whatever Gen-Z is listening to: Obviously we are all collectively LOVING Olivia Rodrigo’s viral heartbreak banger, driver’s license, and since I low key fan girl the entire Gen Z Generation, I recently made a playlist comprised of solely 17-21 year old singers, and I am such a huge fan. Some of my favorites are:
    -Maude Latour (Block Your Number is so infectious and sounds like if Lorde decided to release a punk rock song)
    -Gracie Abrams (I love everything she’s ever put out, but her newest release ‘Brush Fire’ hits different)
    -Benee (I can listen to ‘Kool’ on repeat - the lyrics are so relatable to anyone who has ever felt insecure)

a blog without focus

Hi! It’s been a moment. Despite having ample time the past 9 months to do this, I am just now getting around to relaunching my blog. Maybe for the better, because all of that idol time has helped me realize what I want my online presence to be: unfocused, unfiltered, and free.

Starting any type of platform online and you’ll find the most common advice is ‘pick a niche.’ I definitely tried that before, sort of, except - I’ve never really had a niche. I’m kind of all over the place and always have been. So when I removed the pressure of deciding on a niche so that I could grow my audience, realizing, this is just a hobby, I already have a job, and it’s not that serious - it became a lot more fun, which is what I’m pretty sure hobbies are supposed to be.

So welcome to my blog without focus. Spanning travel, random thoughts, stuff I’m loving, politics, creative writing, travel stuff, and career musings - it’s all fair game. Oh, and I’m also not hiding behind a pseudonym this time, because nothing in my life is that salacious or problematic… it’s also just way easier. My name, dot com. There you go.

If you like reading content from someone who puts far too much thought and passion into everything they do, stick around.